
Southern Style Snow Days

By Crystal Hoffman January 26, 2020

When my family was living in Michigan, we had plentiful snow days.  Sometimes the snow days were back to back.  We dreaded those days because we often ran out of things to do by the second day.  Then we moved to Tennessee where there really aren’t very many snow days – ever.  In fact, my first experience with a Tennessean snow day was when there was a “chance” of snow the next day.  The school systems shut down as a precaution just in case the white stuff fell.  Needless to say, it did nothing of the sort.  

If you’re a subscriber because you live in Murfreesboro or the surrounding areas, you know what I’m talking about.  I still have yet to experience an actual “snow” day here, but then again that was a huge selling point for my family to move here in the first place so I’m okay with not getting one.  

In the rare event that our schools DO close for an actual snow day, I can help you with all the things.

Let’s play out a few scenarios, shall we?? 

*It snowed more than an inch.*  This is not likely, I know, but it can happen!  Make sure you take your kids outside for at least 5-10 minutes to enjoy the rare occasion.  Don’t worry, they won’t feel cheated if you stay out that short amount of time because they will likely be freezing.  If you don’t have all the necessary winter gear, don’t worry.  There were times we couldn’t find our gloves and coats and multiple layers of socks and sweatshirts worked just fine.  Again, they probably won’t last more than 5 minutes anyways, so no need to worry about having that Patagonia down winter coat.

*It’s threatening to snow, but turned to ice instead.* Stay inside and watch everything turn glassy outside.  It’s a spectacular sight but one better enjoyed from indoors.  Instead of trying to venture out in an ice storm, you and the kids could cuddle up on the couch, drink some hot cocoa and watch videos of other people trying to navigate on ice.  Nothing like laughing at the expense of others, am I right??  Don’t worry, I’m probably one of the people on those videos that you’re laughing at. 

*No precipitation but EXTREMELY cold.*  We had lots of these days in Michigan and Pennsylvania.  Honestly, these days were my least favorite because I have a general disdain for the cold.  I remember, though, that some really “cool” things can happen when the air gets below freezing.  For example, you can:
- Blow bubbles and watch them freeze.
- Turn a banana into a hammer.
- Make instant slushies with pop bottles (or is it Coke down here, sorry y’all, I’m showing where I’m from).
- Freeze-fry an egg by placing the frying pan outside first then cracking the egg. 

If all else fails, just take the day to catch up on some z’s and maybe binge watch some Netflix with the kids.  Snow days are usually unexpected and not always at ideal times so try to make the best out of a “frigid” situation.