
Hello Pumpkins!

First Fall Feature

September 22, 2023

Hello Pumpkins! 

Can you be-leaf it? Sept. 23 marks the official start to Fall! It may still be a bit on the toasty side in Tennessee but I know most of us have already indulged in some sort of pumpkin-spice or apple-themed delight. Soon enough we will be able to savor some cool breezes, crisp colorful leaves, and the overall cozy feel that this season brings.

I've always appreciated autumn, not just for the obvious beauty but for the general happiness in the atmosphere.  Summer heat many times felt draining or friends were out of town, but throughout fall it is just too nice not to be outside and there are thousands of reasons to socialize. Everyone seems more excited to gather for football games, scenic walks, or seasonal beverages.

Whether it is Oktoberfest Celebrations or Fall Festivals you are looking for, be sure to check out all the latest happenings in Rutherford County on the Murfreesboro Macaroni Kid Event Page! My 16-month-old assistant joyfully helped me "work" on this first newsletter....  I had to edit her spelling, but sure did bring the smiles!

Feel free to message me any additional events which "we" would be happy to add to the calendar. 

Looking forward to seeing you all "S'more" soon!!
